Every day engineers are coming up with new systems and products to help the environment and save energy.  One such product is the Eternal Hybrid Water Heater.   This exciting product was released to the market at the 2010 PCBC conference that was held last month in San Francisco.


Both traditional tank and tankless water heaters have drawbacks.  Traditional water heaters are prone to running out of water when you least expect it.  Tankless systems can have disruptive fluctuations in temperature and pressure.   The new Eternal Hybrid water heater works to eliminate these drawbacks by creating a hybrid system that brings out the best of tank and tankless systems.  This new system is basically a tankless water heater with a 2 gallon reserve tank that provides instant hot water without any of the pressure or temperature drops previous systems were prone too.    The Eternal Hybrid Water Heater is extremely energy efficient and meets Energy Star standards.  Moreover, the unit has ultralow emissions leaving virtually no carbon footprint. 


To learn more about the Eternal Hybrid Water Heater and how it will improve your homes hot water system while reducing costs please contact us at Doyle Construction. 

New Energy Efficient Eternal Hybrid Water Heater