Not only do the hot summer months increase the demand on Air Conditioning systems, as  “cubicle gofers” try and stay cool, but the heat also has a huge impact on your business’ monthly water bill as well.   Typical water usage doubles in summer months as the warmth increases the need for watering lawns.  So how do we meet water demands and reduce costs at the same time?   4,000 to 6,000 years ago we came up with the solution – Rainwater harvesting. 


This ancient technique is re-appearing in today’s modern world as a method to improve the environment and reduce business operating costs.  A typical 2,000 square foot roof collects 1,250 gallons of water for every inch of rain. Apply this equation to the size of your typical commercial building’s roof and you can see the potential for a system that can provide free water for all of your irrigation needs the entire Summer. 


A typical rain harvesting system can be easily installed to any commercial or residential building and have a return on investment within the first year.  Moreover, these systems have added benefits:


·         The end use of harvested water is located close to the source. Thus eliminating the need for complex and costly distribution systems.

·         Rain water harvesting reduces flow to storm water drains and also reduces non-point source pollution.

·         Rainwater provides nutrient rich water for plants and lawns.

·         Rainwater can be purified for drinking and is sodium-free, important for people on low-sodium diets.  


There are many rain harvesting products available for both residential and commercial buildings. To find the right system for you, please contact us at Doyle Construction – 510-687-1771.


Hot Summer Days and Water Usage