Some companies are embarrassed my the "small town feel" of their businesses.  I and we make no apology for it………in fact we relish it!  I love knowing the names of all our colleagues, their spouse, their kids, etc.  It helps us ALL keep that life-work balance in check! Maybe it's my Midwest upbringing; I'm not sure.  But the personality of every person in the company affects me and affects you. 

And as the "Fast 50" reporter gathered from interviewing me, " David Doyle embraces the stereotype without reservation — a quiet determination and strong moral character that most people assume simply comes from being a native Midwesterner."

All Mr. Doyle will say for certain is that it was his own desire to do things differently — to serve clients in a more open, honest way than he'd be able to do while working for a big firm — that led him to open his own business in 2002.

That “small town feel”.